UC Green provides community greening services and education to the West and Southwest Philadelphia neighborhoods including but not limited to Powelton. Mantua, Belmont, Mill Creek, Spruce Hill, Walnut Hill, Garden Court, Cedar Park, Kingsessing, Cobbs Creek, Southwest, and University City through generous giving and partnerships. Thank you to each and every one of our supporters.
Make a Donation
Your support of our mission enables us to continue to empower our communities to care for the lands we occupy.
You can support UC Green by completing this volunteer form and signing up for an upcoming community service opportunity:
Support OurDonation Days
Like our Facebook page to be notified of our Donation Days. Donation Days is our partnership with local businesses that participate in our profit-sharing program. Supporting these local businesses will help fund our mission!
Would you like to host a fundraiser for UC Green? We welcome fundraising in support of our mission and commitment to equitably green West and Southwest Philadelphia communities. If you’d like to discuss creative fundraisers from dinner parties to online art galleries, email Kiasha Huling at huling@ucgreen.org.